Our story begins with a deeply personal experience for one of our founders, Brennan Lee. After his grandfather was diagnosed with cancer, he suffered from the agonising pain of chronic bed sores. These painful wounds made even the simplest acts of daily life, like eating, an unbearable challenge. As the sores worsened, his grandfather would often refuse to eat food, unable to sit up without excruciating pain. It was heart-wrenching for Brennan and his family to watch his grandfather’s condition decline. After trying countless pressure-relief pillows that failed to prevent the sores, Brennan was determined to find a better solution.
Brennan partnered with a PhD student at the University of Chicago, Wen Li, to investigate the problem. Together, they discovered a revolutionary gas treatment that effectively prevents bed sores from forming.
This breakthrough led to the creation of HPad. Since then, we’ve been relentlessly focused on refining our technology, continuously improving patient outcomes, and ensuring that our product provides not just physical relief, but emotional and psychological comfort as well. Our goals a company go beyond just treating bed sores; we’re committed to offering a solution that restores dignity and hope to those affected by these painful wounds, and to supporting their families as they navigate the challenges of care.
Effective Treatment
We strive to provide comfortable, safe, and effective treatments that help prevent the formation of pressure injuries.
Smart Technology
We aspire to make bed sore treatment simple and accessible by designing a user-friendly, portable device that can be easily used by any nurse or caregiver, anytime and anywhere.
Access For All
We aim to deliver high-quality care to all patients in need of our treatments, regardless of their background.